Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Extract UPN from text file

####### extract-UPN.ps1
####### ::Tarun Arora
####### v1.0
####### This script will extract any UPN ending with $upn(variable below) from a text file
####### Known Issue - If there is a email like, it will extract that as well (not tested)

## Update the relevant output file (containing the UPN's)
$outputFile = "c:\scripts\tarun\sortdata\UPN1.txt"

## Update the $ContentPath to the file you want to extract the UPN's
$contentPath= "c:\scripts\tarun\sortdata\content.txt"

## UPN suffix

## No need to change anything below this line
$content = get-content $contentpath

write-output "UPN" | out-file $outputFile

foreach ($line in $content)


if($len -gt 3)
for ($j=0; $j -lt $len;$j++)
$i = $line.substring($j,1)

if($word.length -gt 5)
if($word.substring($word.length - 4,4) -ilike $upn){write-output $word | out-file $outputfile -append}


if(($i -eq " ") -OR ($i -eq [char]10) -OR ($i -eq [char]13) -OR ($i -eq " ")){$word=""}
